For many of us, the new year represents a time for change and a letting go of old habits and problems, but at the same time we are still the same person we were last year. I do believe we are constantly changing and growing on our spiritual paths, however I think it takes more than just a willingness or desire to really let go and make positive changes. No matter what you want to achieve this year - whether it be to lose weight, or to stop smoking, or maybe even a personality change; maybe you want to be nicer - all of these things require committment and effort, but this is easier said than done.
I'm no expert in this, but all I know is that it certainly is a lot of work and it can be very unpleasant at times to face and deal with the parts of ourselves which we are not proud of. It takes a strong will and acceptance of your whole self; not just the things that you like about who you are. If we are to make real and lasting changes, I believe that this acceptance of our 'shadow self' is crucial, and that we must embrace who we are on every level no matter good or bad.
Good luck in 2011 everyone, and I hope all your goals and dreams come true this year! Keep at it and never give up! With hard work comes rewards!
~NoMaD sOuL~